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Request Focus on TextField in jetpack compose

How to auto focus on textfield in jetpack compose. When i click on textfield and start typing on it. Meantime when i click back button,then when i'm try to click on textfield, nothing happens.

val textState = remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue()) }
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
    value = textState.value,
    onValueChange = { value : TextFieldValue ->
        textState.value = value
like image 589
Mukul jangir Avatar asked Oct 03 '20 07:10

Mukul jangir

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1 Answers

Posting an updated Answer to the question (APIs were renamed in Compose Beta)

fun AutoFocusingText() {
    var value by mutableStateOf("Enter Text")
    val focusRequester = remember { FocusRequester() }
        value = value, 
        onValueChange = { value = it },
        modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester)
    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
like image 167
Ralston Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10
