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request failed with status code 400

I am running server in nodejs, while executing the code of server i am getting an error as "(node:7692) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): Error: Request failed with status code 400 (node:7692) DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code".

this is my serverrender.js code

import axios from 'axios';
import config from './config';


this is my srver.js code

    import config from './config';
    import apiRouter from './api';
    import express from 'express';
    import path from 'path';
    import sassMiddleware from 'node-sass-middleware';

    import './serverRender';
    const server=express();
    server.set('view engine','ejs');



            content:"... "



server.listen(config.port, config.host, () =>{
    console.info('express listening on port ',config.port);
like image 438
Abhilash Muttalli Avatar asked Jan 18 '17 06:01

Abhilash Muttalli

People also ask

What causes 400 Bad Request error?

The HTTP error 400 can occur due to incorrectly typed URL, malformed syntax, or a URL that contains illegal characters. This is surprisingly easy to do by mistake and can happen if a URL has been encoding incorrectly.

Why do I keep getting 400 Bad Request on Chrome?

What causes bad request errors on Chrome? Error 400 is a client error that occurs due to incorrect requests, invalid syntax, or routing issues. It can also occur if the URL is not recognized or you did not type it correctly. So, check again and make sure you typed the URL correctly.

1 Answers

You should add a catch to the get call:

import axios from 'axios';
import config from './config';


like image 69
Gilbert Nwaiwu Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10

Gilbert Nwaiwu