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Reporting solution best suited with AngularJS and Crystal Reports? [closed]

We are moving towards client-side front-end development and wants to use AngularJS for it, I want to know is there any way we could use our crystal reports with AngularJS with it.

Our Server-side is ASP.Net webapi/ MS SQL Server.

It would be lovely if we can use our existing crystal reports, if at all its not possible to use crystal reports, then some experts kindly let us know what would be the other best solution for reporting with a framework like AngularJS.

Thanks and best regards

PS: Its amazing there are so many client-side framework but no reporting framework.

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Khuzema Avatar asked Jan 29 '13 19:01


People also ask

Can we use Crystal Report in angular?

The Crystal Report is rendered in PDF and streamed to Angular for display in the web browser.

What software uses Crystal Reports?

Crystal Reports can publish in a variety of formats including Microsoft Word and Excel, e-mail and over the Web. Advanced Web reporting allows all members of in a workgroup view and update shared reports inside a web browser.

Is Crystal Reports still used?

The Standard and Professional editions were discontinued with the release of SAP Crystal Reports 2008. SAP Crystal Reports Xi Developer edition remains available and does everything that Standard and Pro could do - and more.

2 Answers

Disclaimer: I work for STOIC

I don't know any integration with Crystal Report built with AngularJS. But if you need a reporting solution built on top of AngularJS, you might want to take a look at STOIC, especially the View Editor component.

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Ismael Ghalimi Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10

Ismael Ghalimi

I feel that to thoroughly answer your question, we must define what is meant by "reporting." In terms of Crystal Reports, the basic functionality is to prompt the user with a form to enter their parameters for filtering the report, then a view is displayed with the data presented in some layout, usually a data grid, more than one data grid, some charts or graphs, or a combination of all of the above. There are features to drill-down into detail or different sub-reports, to group rows with additional content inserted inline, to affect your data model with code, aka "formulas," and also to modify your query results, using formulas without, actually writing any SQL. Reports can embed Flash, HTML, Java applets, and Silverlight. Reports can be faithfully exported to various formats, namely PDF, Excel, CSV, and Word. The basic functionality of Crystal also allows defining data structures for report exportation, such as XML structured via XSLT. There are SDKs for Java and .Net, and a Javascript API. Reports can be embedded into webpages, rendered inline using javascript, and embedded into Java or .Net applications with a license that allows free distribution. That's just scraping the surface of the feature set, and not even touching the other server platform products offered by SAP, Inc.

Now, if you can do without some of those features, or pick and choose, your options open up greatly. I imagine there are some frameworks out there that support Crystal's entire feature set, but I find the terms to be misleading, and quite often, they're just loaded marketing phrases; for instance, "reports" is often referred to as "views", "grids" or "datagrids" in other frameworks. If you need a canned solution that automatically provides the entire featureset, I think Crystal would be your best bet, and their Javascript API will allow you to display them in a webpage.

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Tony Zielinski Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10

Tony Zielinski