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Reporting Services Deployment

I need to create a repeatable process for deploying SQL Server Reporting Services reports. I am not in favor of using Visual Studio and or Business Development Studio to do this. The rs.exe method of scripting deployments also seems rather clunky. Does anyone have a very elegant way that they have been able to deploy reports. The key here is that I want the process to be completely automated.

like image 706
Bart Avatar asked Sep 17 '08 23:09


People also ask

How do you deploy a reporting service?

On the Build menu, click Deploy <report project name>. Alternatively, in Solution Explorer, right-click the report project and then click Deploy. You can view the status of the publishing process in the Output window.

What are the different modes of deployment for SSRS?

A Reporting Services report server runs in one of two deployment modes; Native mode or SharePoint mode.

Where are SSRS reports deployed?

Deploying Reports in SSRS. Reports can be deployed either individually, or as part of complete project deployment. In this tutorial, you will deploy the complete project to your local development machine. Users will view and run reports from a similar URL: HTTP://LOCALHOST/REPORTS.

How do I deploy RDL to report server?

Firstly, open the RDL file of the report that you want to deploy in the report server from the Microsoft Report Builder tool. Then, connect it to the report server as depicted below by providing the report server URL and click on Connect. Then it starts connecting to the report server. Wait for a few minutes.

2 Answers

We use rs.exe, once we developed the script we have not needed to touch it anymore, it just works.

Here is the source (I slightly modified it by hand to remove sensitive data without a chance to test it, hope I did not brake anything), it deploys reports and associated images from subdirectories for various languages. Also datasource is created.

'===================================================================== '  File:      PublishReports.rss ' '  Summary: Script that can be used with RS.exe to  '           publish the reports. ' '  Rss file spans from beginnig of this comment to end of module ' (except of "End Module"). '=====================================================================  Dim langPaths As String() = {"en", "cs", "pl", "de"} Dim filePath As String = Environment.CurrentDirectory  Public Sub Main()      rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials      'Create parent folder     Try         rs.CreateFolder(parentFolder, "/", Nothing)         Console.WriteLine("Parent folder created: {0}", parentFolder)     Catch e As Exception         Console.WriteLine(e.Message)     End Try      PublishLanguagesFromFolder(filePath)  End Sub  Public Sub PublishLanguagesFromFolder(ByVal folder As String)     Dim Lang As Integer     Dim langPath As String      For Lang = langPaths.GetLowerBound(0) To langPaths.GetUpperBound(0)         langPath = langPaths(Lang)          'Create the lang folder         Try             rs.CreateFolder(langPath, "/" + parentFolder, Nothing)             Console.WriteLine("Parent lang folder created: {0}", parentFolder + "/" + langPath)         Catch e As Exception             Console.WriteLine(e.Message)         End Try          'Create the shared data source         CreateDataSource("/" + parentFolder + "/" + langPath)          'Publish reports and images         PublishFolderContents(folder + "\" + langPath, "/" + parentFolder + "/" + langPath)     Next 'Lang End Sub  Public Sub CreateDataSource(ByVal targetFolder As String)     Dim name As String = "data source"      'Data source definition.     Dim definition As New DataSourceDefinition     definition.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.Store     definition.ConnectString = "data source=" + dbServer + ";initial catalog=" + db     definition.Enabled = True     definition.EnabledSpecified = True     definition.Extension = "SQL"     definition.ImpersonateUser = False     definition.ImpersonateUserSpecified = True     'Use the default prompt string.     definition.Prompt = Nothing     definition.WindowsCredentials = False     'Login information     definition.UserName = "user"     definition.Password = "password"      Try     'name, folder, overwrite, definition, properties          rs.CreateDataSource(name, targetFolder, True, definition, Nothing)     Catch e As Exception         Console.WriteLine(e.Message)     End Try  End Sub  Public Sub PublishFolderContents(ByVal sourceFolder As String, ByVal targetFolder As String)     Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(sourceFolder)     Dim fis As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles()     Dim fi As FileInfo      Dim fileName As String      For Each fi In fis         fileName = fi.Name         Select Case fileName.Substring(fileName.Length - 4).ToUpper             Case ".RDL"                 PublishReport(sourceFolder, fileName, targetFolder)             Case ".JPG", ".JPEG"                 PublishResource(sourceFolder, fileName, "image/jpeg", targetFolder)             Case ".GIF", ".PNG", ".BMP"                 PublishResource(sourceFolder, fileName, "image/" + fileName.Substring(fileName.Length - 3).ToLower, targetFolder)         End Select     Next fi End Sub  Public Sub PublishReport(ByVal sourceFolder As String, ByVal reportName As String, ByVal targetFolder As String)     Dim definition As [Byte]() = Nothing     Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing      Try         Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(sourceFolder + "\" + reportName)         definition = New [Byte](stream.Length) {}         stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))         stream.Close()     Catch e As IOException         Console.WriteLine(e.Message)     End Try      Try    'name, folder, overwrite, definition, properties          warnings = rs.CreateReport(reportName.Substring(0, reportName.Length - 4), targetFolder, True, definition, Nothing)          If Not (warnings Is Nothing) Then             Dim warning As Warning             For Each warning In warnings                 Console.WriteLine(warning.Message)             Next warning         Else             Console.WriteLine("Report: {0} published successfully with no warnings", targetFolder + "/" + reportName)         End If     Catch e As Exception         Console.WriteLine(e.Message)     End Try End Sub  Public Sub PublishResource(ByVal sourceFolder As String, ByVal resourceName As String, ByVal resourceMIME As String, ByVal targetFolder As String)     Dim definition As [Byte]() = Nothing     Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing      Try         Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(sourceFolder + "\" + resourceName)         definition = New [Byte](stream.Length) {}         stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))         stream.Close()     Catch e As IOException         Console.WriteLine(e.Message)     End Try      Try     'name, folder, overwrite, definition, MIME, properties          rs.CreateResource(resourceName, targetFolder, True, definition, resourceMIME, Nothing)         Console.WriteLine("Resource: {0} with MIME {1} created successfully", targetFolder + "/" + resourceName, resourceMIME)     Catch e As Exception         Console.WriteLine(e.Message)     End Try End Sub 

Here is the batch to call the rs.exe:

SET ReportServer=%1 SET DBServer=%2 SET DBName=%3 SET ReportFolder=%4  rs -i PublishReports.rss -s %ReportServer% -v dbServer="%DBServer%" -v db="%DBName%" -v parentFolder="%ReportFolder%" >PublishReports.log 2>&1  pause 
like image 177
Lukáš Rampa Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10

Lukáš Rampa

I used the script @David supplied but I had to add some code (I'm typing this up as an answer, as this would be too long for a comment.

The problem is: if there is already a "shared datasource" attached to a report in the report definition, this is never the same datasource as the one that is created in the script.

This also becomes apparent from the warning emitted by the "CreateReport" method:

The data set '' refers to the shared data source '', which is not published on the report server.

So the data source has to be set explicitly afterwards. I've made the following code changes:

I added a global variable:

Dim dataSourceRefs(0) As DataSource 

At the end of the CreateDataSource method, that variable gets filled:

Dim dsr As New DataSourceReference dsr.Reference = "/" + parentFolder + "/" + db Dim ds As New DataSource ds.Item = CType(dsr, DataSourceDefinitionOrReference) ds.Name = db dataSourceRefs(0) = ds 

And in the PublishReport method, that data source gets explicitly set (after CreateReport has been called):

rs.SetItemDataSources(targetFolder + "/" + reportName.Substring(0, reportName.Length - 4), dataSourceRefs) 

Note that this last call is only RS 2005 or higher. If you want to load your reports onto a RS 2000 server, you have to use SetReportDataSources in stead:

rs.SetReportDataSources(targetFolder + "/" + reportName.Substring(0, reportName.Length - 4), dataSourceRefs) 
like image 40
fretje Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10
