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Replicating Couchbase to ElasticSearch (w/ multiple indices)

Currently we're using Couchbase and ElasticSearch(2.x) and replicating data from CB to ES successfully using elasticsearch-transport-couchbase plugin.

The problems began while upgrading to ES 5.6.4. Up until now, we used a single index in ES, and due to the fact that ElasticSearch doesn't recommend this approach anymore we are now trying to create multiple indices in ES (index per type) That means that we need a way to replicate data from CB (A single bucket) to ES (multiple indices).

What is the best way to approach this? Possible solutions:

  1. Continue using the elasticsearch-transport-couchbase plugin, but then we'll have to create a lot (~150) XDCR replications, 1 replication per type. I doubt this will scale..
  2. Write our own solution using Spark or Kafka (Neither of them are on Technological stack so implementation might take time, so it's not the most favourable solution)

Any help would be appreciated.

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shays10 Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 12:11


1 Answers

Version 4 of the Couchbase Elasticsearch Connector supports the new "index-per-type" model (and other features, including support for ES 6, secure connections, and replication checkpoint management tools). If you'd like to try it out, your feedback would be invaluable.

Disclaimer: I am a Couchbase employee developing the Elasticsearch connector.

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dnault Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
