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Replacing multiple substrings of the same string simultaneously in R

I am looking to replace Latin characters in a vector of strings to normal characters (e.g. é to e, á to a, etc). I am also looking to do this for a large vector, so I will be replacing these characters in a loop. I have attempted to do this with a single word below:

phrase <- "ÁÉÍÓÚ"
spec.elements <- c("[ÁÀÄÉÈËÍÌÏÓÒÖÚÙÜÑÇ]")

if (str_detect(phrase,spec.elements) == TRUE){
  str_replace(phrase, "Á", "A") & str_replace(phrase, "Ú", "U")

and I get the following error:

Error in str_replace(phrase, "Á", "A") & str_replace(phrase, "Ú", "U") : 
  operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types

I also tried the following and the output is clearly not the appropriate result:


Could anyone help me replace all the special characters detected to the regular ones, without opening an if statement for each special character individually?

like image 903
MN Beitelmal Avatar asked Jan 07 '23 10:01

MN Beitelmal

2 Answers

We can use chartr

if(grepl(spec.elements, phrase)){
 chartr('ÁÚ', 'AU', phrase)}
 #[1] "AÉÍÓU"
like image 121
akrun Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 21:01


Maybe chartr fulfill your needs:

phrase <- c("ÁÉÍÓÚ", "ÚÓÍÉÁ")
spec.elements <- c("ÁÀÄÉÈËÍÌÏÓÒÖÚÙÜÑÇ")
spec.elements.rep <- c("AAAEEEIIIOOOUUUNC")
chartr(old=spec.elements, new=spec.elements.rep, x=phrase)
# [1] "AEIOU" "UOIEA"
like image 37
sgibb Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 21:01
