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Replacing delete in C++, missinformation

I'm trying to (and have solved) a problem with 16 byte alignment issues with a class that contains SSE optimised members. But what is bugging me is a large portion of the examples I have found online contain a line of code that to me seems totally redundant yet is repeated in many places.

void* operator new (size_t size)throw (std::bad_alloc)
    void * p = _aligned_malloc(size, 16);
    if (p == 0)  throw std::bad_alloc();
    return p; 

void operator delete (void *p)
    Camera* pC = static_cast<Camera*>(p);

The line in question is

Camera* pC = static_cast<Camera*>(p);

As pC is never referenced and goes out of scope at the end of the function, what is the point of doing it? I have tried taking the line out and it appears to make no difference at all yet that line appears in lots of examples! Am I missing something really obvious or has an anomalous line of code been copied from example to example blindly and become prevalent across a lot of "tutorials"?

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Stuart Eagles Avatar asked Jul 25 '12 08:07

Stuart Eagles

1 Answers

The object ends its lifetime as soon as the destructor is entered, so you cannot do much with this pointer. The line Camera* pC = static_cast<Camera*>(p); can be removed safely and the only reason it exists in tutorials is that many people just copy-n-paste the code here and there without actually thinking how it works.

The clean and correct code for your delete() will look as follows:

void operator delete (void *p)
like image 159
Sergey K. Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Sergey K.