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Replacement for array's indexOf(_:) method in Swift 3




In my project (written in Swift 3) I want to retrieve index of an element from array using indexOf(_:) method (existed in Swift 2.2), but I cannot find any replacement for that.

Is there any good replacement for that method in Swift 3 or anything that act similar?


I forget to mention that I want to search in custom object. In code completion I haven't got any hints when typing 'indexof'. But when I try to get index of build in type like Int code completion works and I could use index(of:) method.

like image 958
krlbsk Avatar asked Jul 13 '16 12:07


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1 Answers

indexOf(_:) has been renamed to index(of:) for types that conform to Equatable. You can conform any of your types to Equatable, it's not just for built-in types:

struct Point: Equatable {     var x, y: Int }  func == (left: Point, right: Point) -> Bool {     return left.x == right.x && left.y == right.y }  let points = [Point(x: 3, y: 5), Point(x: 7, y: 2), Point(x: 10, y: -4)] points.index(of: Point(x: 7, y: 2)) // 1 

indexOf(_:) that takes a closure has been renamed to index(where:):

[1, 3, 5, 4, 2].index(where: { $0 > 3 }) // 2  // or with a training closure: [1, 3, 5, 4, 2].index { $0 > 3 } // 2 
like image 109
Tim Vermeulen Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10

Tim Vermeulen