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Replace NaN values of pandas.DataFrame with values from list




In a python script using the library pandas, I have a dataset of let's say 100 lines with a feature "X", containing 36 NaN values, and a list of size 36.

I want to replace all the 36 missing values of the column "X" by the 36 values I have in my list.

It's likely to be a dumb question, but I went through all the doc and couldn't find a way to do it.

Here's an example :


Data:   X      Y
        1      8
        2      3
        NaN    2
        NaN    7
        1      2
        NaN    2


List: [8, 6, 3]


Data:   X      Y
        1      8
        2      3
        8      2
        6      7
        1      2
        3      2
like image 799
MeanStreet Avatar asked Feb 10 '17 19:02


People also ask

How do I get rid of NaN in Pandas?

By using dropna() method you can drop rows with NaN (Not a Number) and None values from pandas DataFrame. Note that by default it returns the copy of the DataFrame after removing rows. If you wanted to remove from the existing DataFrame, you should use inplace=True .

1 Answers

Start with your dataframe df


     X  Y
0  1.0  8
1  2.0  3
2  NaN  2
3  NaN  7
4  1.0  2
5  NaN  2

Define the values you want to fill with (Note: there must be the same number of elements in your filler list as NaN values in your dataframe)

filler = [8, 6, 3]

Filter your column (that contains the NaN values) and overwrite the selected rows with your filler

df.X[df.X.isnull()] = filler

df.loc[df.X.isnull(), 'X'] = filler

which gives:


     X  Y
0  1.0  8
1  2.0  3
2  8.0  2
3  6.0  7
4  1.0  2
5  3.0  2
like image 158
bunji Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
