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Replace LibreOffice formulas with their calculated values in an entire column at once

I can replace a formula in one cell by its calculated value by selecting the cell, hitting F2 then F9 and Enter.

When I want to do this for every cells in a column, and height of that column == N, then the repeating of this job N times is not happy for me.

Is that way to do this for an entire column at once?

Example input:

A   =CONCATENATE("something1","something2";)
B   =CONCATENATE("something3","something4";)
n   =CONCATENATE("somethingN","somethingN+1";)

Desired output:

A   something1something2
B   something3something4
n   somethingNsomethingN+1
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user3766478 Avatar asked Oct 23 '14 12:10


2 Answers

I know it's old, but just for anybody searching for the correct answer:

Data > Calculate > Formula to Value 

No clipboard voodoo necessary ;)

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runlevel0 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11


This question sounds as if it would fit better on SuperUser.com.

According to https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=28242 you can Copy the column to the clibboard, then use Edit / Paste Special with Formulas unchecked and Values checked. However that answer is from March 2010, and I now (June 2017, Libre Office 5.2) see no Values in the dialogue.

According to https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=44313 (from 2011) you should keep Numbers checked.

I did it in LibreOffice 5.2 with Formulas unchecked and Numbers, Text and Date/Time checked (after all, what if the result is not a number?) and it worked in my particular case.

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PJTraill Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11
