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Replace giant switch statement with what?


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Which can be used to replace switch statement?

Switch statements can often be replaced by a good OO design. For example, you have an Account class, and are using a switch statement to perform a different calculation based on the type of account.

Which switch-case is similar to statement?

The switch statement is similar to a series of IF statements on the same expression. In many occasions, you may want to compare the same variable (or expression) with many different values, and execute a different piece of code depending on which value it equals to. This is exactly what the switch statement is for.

Is a switch statement a code smell?

Case statement is used for conditional operations. Sometimes, it is considered in the category of code smell. Switch case is not a bad syntax, but its usage in some cases categorizes it under code smell. It is considered a smell, if it is being used in OOPS.

Why you should not use switch statements?

Last but not least, because a switch statement requires us to modify a lot of classes, it violates the Open-Closed Principle from the SOLID principles. To conclude, switch statement are bad because they are error-prone and they are not maintainable.

I have a code that parses some template files and when it finds a placeholder, it replaces it with a value. Something like:

<body bgcolor="%color%">

In code, the parser finds those, calls this function:

string getContent(const string& name)
    if (name == "title")
        return page->getTitle();
    else if (name == "color")
        return getBodyColor();

and then replaces the original placeholder with returned value.

In real case, it is not a dummy web page, and there are many (50+) different placeholders that can occur.

My code is C++, but I guess this problem exists with any language. It's more about algorithms and OO design I guess. Only important thing is that this must be compiled, even if I wanted I couldn't have any dynamic/eval'd code.

I though about implementing Chain of Responsibility pattern, but it doesn't seem it would improve the situation much.

UPDATE: and I'm also concerned about this comment in another thread. Should I care about it?