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Replace an item in a list based on user input




I'm a noob so please excuse me.

There are three lists

  1. A list of letters L = ['A','B','C','D','E']
  2. A list of numbers N = ['1','2','3','4','5']
  3. A list of number strings List = ['124','351']

These are the steps I wish to achieve

  1. Request a letter from the user e.g. A
  2. Find the letter in the letter list L and record its numerical position e.g. [0]
  3. Use the same numeric position in the list of numbers N and record the number that's there e.g. 1
  4. Replace the instances of the number found in the non-letter strings List e.g. ['124','351'] becomes ['A24','35A']
  5. Ask the user for the next letter until all the number strings become letters.

What I have achieved so far is the first 4 steps. After step 4 I thought to check if the number strings still contained numbers and if so go to step 5. I can't seem to work out how to get the code to check if the number strings contain any more number. NOTE: The number list is not limited to numbers. It could contain math symbols e.g. + or -

L = ['A','B','C','D','E']
N = ['1','2','3','4','5']
list = ['124','351']

print ("Enter a letter")

# Is there a number in List
# If yes then do the following else print List

# Ask for a letter from the user
letter = input ("Enter letter: ")

# Confirm whether the letter is correct or not
if letter in L:
# Find the position of the letter in the list
    position = (L.index(letter));
# Make a variable called number with value at the same position in the N list
    number = N[position];
# Replace the numbers in the List with the letter entered
    list = [item.replace(number, letter) for item in list];
# Print the list with the numbers replaced
    print (list, "\n");
    print ("Please guess again. \n");
    letter = input ("Enter a letter now: ")
# repeat until the List only contains letters
    print ("That is not correct");
    print ("Please guess again. \n");
    letter = input ("Enter a letter now: ")

I hope that is OK. If you need anything further please let me know

like image 385
Carl Avatar asked Jun 08 '14 13:06


2 Answers

L = ['A','B','C','D','E']
N = ['1','2','3','4','5']
n_strings = ['124','351'] # Don't use list as a variable name

while not all( x.isalpha() for x in n_strings): # keep going until all are alpha chars

    print ("Enter a letter")
    # Is there a number in List
    # If yes then do the following else print List

    # Ask for a letter from the user
    letter = input("Enter letter: ")

    # Confirm whether the letter is correct or not
    if letter in L:
    # Find the position of the letter in the list
        position = (L.index(letter));
    # Make a variable called number with value at the same position in the N list
        number = N[position];
    # Replace the numbers in the List with the letter entered
        n_strings = [item.replace(number, letter) for item in n_strings];
    # Print the list with the numbers replaced
        print (n_strings, "\n");
        print ("Please guess again. \n");
        letter = input("Enter a letter now: ")
    # repeat until the List only contains letters
        print ("That is not correct");
        print ("Please guess again. \n");
        letter = input("Enter a letter now: ")

You could change the logic and shorten the code.

while True:
    if all(x.isalpha() for x in n_strings ):
        print("All guessed correct {}".format(n_strings)) # if all are alpha print final n_string and break out of loop
    print n_strings    
    letter = input("Please enter a letter: ")
    if letter in L:
    # Find the position of the letter in the list
        position = (L.index(letter));
        number = N[position];
        n_strings = [item.replace(number, letter) for item in n_strings];
        print (n_strings, "\n");
    # repeat until the List only contains letters
        print ("That is not correct");
        print ("Please guess again. \n");
like image 135
Padraic Cunningham Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09

Padraic Cunningham

I can't seem to work out how to get the code to check if the number strings contain any more number

You could define a function that loops over the list to see if any of the entries have digits using using isdigit() like so

def has_number(lst):
    for s in lst:
        if any(x.isdigit() for x in s):
            return True
    return False

This will return True if any of the entries in your number string list contains a number

Saw your edit

My goal is for it to contain letters only

To do that you could just check like this

if all(x.isalpha() for x in lst):
    # lst contains only entries that consists of letters

This uses isalpha()


Return true if all characters in the string are alphabetic and there is at least one character, false otherwise.


>>> all(x.isalpha() for x in ['abc', 'def'])
>>> all(x.isalpha() for x in ['ab1', 'def'])
like image 25
Tim Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09
