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Repeating/Continuous python server and client

I'd like to set up a system where I have a python client and server continuously sending / receiving data. All of the code examples I've found show how to send a single message to a socket, but not how to continuously be set up for sending/receiving data.

Right now my code is:


import socket
import time

while True:
        client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        client_socket.connect(("", 10220))
        data = "GET\nSONAR\n\n"
        print 'send to server: ' + data
    except Exception as msg:
        print msg

I'd like the code to be able to send commands multiple times a minute, but right now it doesn't seem to consistently send messages out, and i'm not sure why. Why isn't the control stream continuous?


import socket

host = ''
port = 8220
address = (host, port)

server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

while True:
        print "Listening for client . . ."
        conn, address = server_socket.accept()
        print "Connected to client at ", address
        #pick a large output buffer size because i dont necessarily know how big the incoming packet is                                                                                              
        output = conn.recv(2048);
        if output:
            print "Message received from client:"
            print output

        #conn.send("This is a response from the server.")                                                                                                                                            
        #print "Test message sent and connection closed." 

This works fine on the first try, but I can't have the server automatically listen again for the next message -- it always hangs on "Listening for client . . .".

Any thoughts?


like image 517
nathan lachenmyer Avatar asked Apr 24 '14 20:04

nathan lachenmyer

1 Answers

This actually works fine for me, though I had to adjust the port in client.py to match the one in server.py. I also had to add an exception to handle KeyboardInterrupt in server.py so there would be a way to exit the program.

Listening for client . . . Connected to client at ('', 53944) Message received from client: GET SONAR

Listening for client . . . Connected to client at ('', 53945) Message received from client: GET SONAR


I took a shot at improving the architecture. I create one connection and use it to pass multiple messages, pausing between each one in the client to wait for the server to send an acknowledgement.


import socket
import time

client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
client_socket.connect(("localhost", 8220))

for index in xrange(5):
    data = "GET\nSONAR%d\n\n" % index
    print 'send to server: ' + data
    while client_socket.recv(2048) != "ack":
        print "waiting for ack"
    print "ack received!"

#send disconnect message                                                                                                                           
dmsg = "disconnect"
print "Disconnecting"



import socket
import sys

host = 'localhost'
port = 8220
address = (host, port)

server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

print "Listening for client . . ."
conn, address = server_socket.accept()
print "Connected to client at ", address
#pick a large output buffer size because i dont necessarily know how big the incoming packet is                                                    
while True:
    output = conn.recv(2048);
    if output.strip() == "disconnect":
        sys.exit("Received disconnect message.  Shutting down.")
    elif output:
        print "Message received from client:"
        print output
like image 139
Chris Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 11:11
