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repeating a section of a regular expression?


I'm having to parse a text dump of a spreadsheet. I have a regular expression that correctly parses each line of the data, but it's rather long. It's basically just matching a certain pattern 12 or 13 times.

The pattern I want to repeat is


This is the regular expression (shortened)


Is there a way to match a pattern a set number of times without copy pasting like this? Each of those sections correspond to data columns, all of which I need. I'm using Python by the way. Thanks!

like image 571
Joe Lyga Avatar asked Jan 12 '12 22:01

Joe Lyga

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1 Answers


The {n} is a "repeat n times"

if you want "12 - 13" times,


if you want "12+" times,


like image 59
joe_coolish Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10
