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Repeatedly Iterating Through a List

I have a list like such:

List<Thing> foo = new List<Thing>();

And I want to iterate through it over and over, such as 0123012301230123...

Foreach is not what I am looking for, because I do not want everything all at once. I have been messing with Queues, and am wondering if Queues are appropriate here? Or if there is something better than Queues for this.

I am looking for the best code practice in this situation (repeatedly iterate through a list).

So is there a better option than:

    if (nextElementIsNeeded)
        Thing thing = foo[0];
        return thing;

Or the following code using a Queue:

    Queue<Thing> foo = new Queue<Thing>();
    if (nextElementIsNeeded)
        Thing thing = foo.Dequeue();
        return thing;
like image 498
Evorlor Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 22:02


1 Answers

Instead of constantly adding and removing the same Items to/from a collection (no matter which type), simply use a circular index to access the list you have.

int currentElementIndex = 0;

if (nextElementIsNeeded)
  currentElementIndex = (currentElementIndex + 1) % foo.Count;
  thing = foo[currentElementIndex]; 
like image 159
TaW Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 10:02