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repeat string n times in Kotlin


I want to create a string which would contain a * symbol n times. I only see this way:

val s = ""
val n = 100
for (j in 0 until n) {
    s += "*"

But it looks ugly and it has a O(n^2) time complexity. Is there a way in Kotlin to do that without a loop with better time complexity?

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Rainmaker Avatar asked Jan 25 '18 15:01


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2 Answers

The built in CharSequence.repeat extension does this in an efficient way, see the source here.

val str: String = "*".repeat(100)

Of course, this will still require O(n) steps to create the string. However, using this built-in stdlib function has its advantages: it's cross-platform, easy to read, and can be improved in performance over time, if there's a more efficient solution. The loop inside it will probably be optimized by the compiler or the runtime anyway.

like image 182
zsmb13 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10


An alternative to the CharSequence.repeat is a CharArray with an init function:

CharArray(N, {i -> '*'}).joinToString(separator="")

This solution has the advantage that you can define prefix, postfix, and separator.

like image 20
Christian Kuka Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10

Christian Kuka