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Repeat code if an error occured



I have a code which is doing a very long ETL operation. There are network problems sometimes. I want to catch the error read tcp -> i/o timeout and retry the operation again.

Here is my code:

for {
    err := mssql.Db.ProcessAllData(true, &processedAsutpIds, filename)
    if err == nil {
    } else {
      fmt.Println("!!!! Error occurred - sleep for 5 minutes")
      time.Sleep(time.Minute * 5)

Is it possible to rewrite it in more idiomatic way ?

like image 307
ceth Avatar asked Dec 02 '17 10:12


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You can create a variable, and then say that as long as the variable is true to its value, to repeat the code in the for loop.

1 Answers

You might consider a retry function such as the one described in "My favorite #golang retry function" by Alexandre Bourget:

    var signedContent []byte
    err := retry(5, 2*time.Second, func() (err error) {
        signedContent, err = signFile(unsignedFile, contents)
    if err != nil {
        http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500)

With the retry function being:

func retry(attempts int, sleep time.Duration, f func() error) (err error) {
    for i := 0; ; i++ {
        err = f()
        if err == nil {

        if i >= (attempts - 1) {


        log.Println("retrying after error:", err)
    return fmt.Errorf("after %d attempts, last error: %s", attempts, err)
like image 84
VonC Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10
