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Reordering arrays

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How do you rearrange arrays in C++?

Approach used in the below program is as followsDeclare a variable as max_val and set it with arr[size - 1] + 1. Start loop FOR from i to 0 till i less than size. Inside the loop, check IF i % 2 = 0 then set arr[i] to arr[i] + (arr[max] % max_val) * max_val and decrement the max by 1.

How do you rearrange the order of an array in Java?

Use the sort() method of the Arrays class to rearrange an array.

How do you sort an array of arrays?

To sort an array of arrays in JavaScript, we can use the array sort method. We call array. sort with a callback that destructures the first entry from each nested array. Then we return the value to determine how it's sorted.

How do you sort an array in ascending order?

Example: Sort an Array in Java in Ascending Order Then, you should use the Arrays. sort() method to sort it. That's how you can sort an array in Java in ascending order using the Arrays. sort() method.

The syntax of Array.splice is:

yourArray.splice(index, howmany, element1, /*.....,*/ elementX);


  • index is the position in the array you want to start removing elements from
  • howmany is how many elements you want to remove from index
  • element1, ..., elementX are elements you want inserted from position index.

This means that splice() can be used to remove elements, add elements, or replace elements in an array, depending on the arguments you pass.

Note that it returns an array of the removed elements.

Something nice and generic would be:

Array.prototype.move = function (from, to) {
  this.splice(to, 0, this.splice(from, 1)[0]);

Then just use:

var ar = [1,2,3,4,5];
alert(ar) // 2,3,4,1,5


Algorithm diagram

If you know the indexes you could easily swap the elements, with a simple function like this:

function swapElement(array, indexA, indexB) {
  var tmp = array[indexA];
  array[indexA] = array[indexB];
  array[indexB] = tmp;

swapElement(playlist, 1, 2);
// [{"artist":"Herbie Hancock","title":"Thrust"},
//  {"artist":"Faze-O","title":"Riding High"},
//  {"artist":"Lalo Schifrin","title":"Shifting Gears"}]

Array indexes are just properties of the array object, so you can swap its values.

Here is an immutable version for those who are interested:

function immutableMove(arr, from, to) {
  return arr.reduce((prev, current, idx, self) => {
    if (from === to) {
    if (idx === from) {
      return prev;
    if (from < to) {
    if (idx === to) {
    if (from > to) {
    return prev;
  }, []);

With ES6 you can do something like this:

const swapPositions = (array, a ,b) => {
  [array[a], array[b]] = [array[b], array[a]]

let array = [1,2,3,4,5];

/// => [2, 1, 3, 4, 5]

You could always use the sort method, if you don't know where the record is at present:

playlist.sort(function (a, b) {
    return a.artist == "Lalo Schifrin" 
               ? 1    // Move it down the list
               : 0;   // Keep it the same

Change 2 to 1 as the first parameter in the splice call when removing the element:

var tmp = playlist.splice(1, 1);
playlist.splice(2, 0, tmp[0]);