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Renewing a Certificate using PowerShell

I am trying to renew a certificate (on my local machine) that is going to expire shortly. I know to do this manually but I can't find a way to do this using Powershell. I've looked up PKIPS and QAD but they don't seem to have any cmdlets with regard to renewing a certificate. Could anyone point me to any other library that achieves this task?

like image 833
Sridhar Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 10:12


1 Answers

This is the function I used to renew a certificate that was generated from an Active Directory template.

function Renew-Certificate {
  Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Thumbprint,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [switch]$MachineStore)

  Process {
    $ContextUser                     =0x1
    $ContextMachine                  =0x2

    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64             =0x1
    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BINARY             =0x2
    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEX                =0x4
    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEXASCII           =0x5
    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64_ANY         =0x6
    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_ANY                =0x7
    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEX_ANY            =0x8
    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEXADDR            =0xa
    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEXRAW             =0xc
    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF             =0x40000000
    $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_NOCR               =0x80000000

    $InheritDefault               =0x00000000
    $InheritNewDefaultKey         =0x00000001
    $InheritNewSimilarKey         =0x00000002
    $InheritPrivateKey            =0x00000003
    $InheritPublicKey             =0x00000004
    $InheritKeyMask               =0x0000000f
    $InheritNone                  =0x00000010
    $InheritTemplateFlag          =0x00000040
    $InheritSubjectFlag           =0x00000080
    $InheritExtensionsFlag        =0x00000100
    $InheritSubjectAltNameFlag    =0x00000200
    $InheritValidityPeriodFlag    =0x00000400

    if ($MachineStore.IsPresent) {
    else {
    $Cert=Get-Item -Path $Path

    $PKCS10=New-Object -ComObject X509Enrollment.CX509CertificateRequestPkcs10
    $PKCS10.InitializeFromCertificate($Context,[System.Convert]::ToBase64String($Cert.RawData), $XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, $X509RequestInheritOptions)

    #BAD=$InheritDefault+$InheritRenewalCertificateFlag (Template required)

    $Enroll=New-Object -ComObject X509Enrollment.CX509Enrollment

    Write-Verbose "Renewing..."
    Try { $Enroll.Enroll() }
    Catch { 
      Write-Verbose "Unable to renew"
      $Errors | ForEach-Object { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message }
    if ($Error.Count -eq 0) {
      $Cert=New-Object Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
      Write-Verbose "New Thumbprint is $result"

like image 198
Slogmeister Extraordinaire Avatar answered Feb 20 '23 14:02

Slogmeister Extraordinaire