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render jinja2 template without a Flask context

I have a Flask application that calls flask.render_template without problems when it is invoked from a flask http request.

I need the same method to work outside of flask (from a python back end program)

resolved_template =  render_template(template_relative_path, **kwargs)

I could use the jinja2 api, but I would like the same method to work, in both contexts (flask and command line)

like image 663
Max L. Avatar asked May 21 '15 19:05

Max L.

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2 Answers

If you want to completely bypass flask and use purely Jinja for rendering your template, you can do as such

import jinja2

def render_jinja_html(template_loc,file_name,**context):

    return jinja2.Environment(

And then you can call this function to render your html

like image 187
Shankar ARUL Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Shankar ARUL

You need to render it in an app context. Import your app in your backend code and do the following.

with app.app_context():
    data = render_template(path, **context)
like image 26
davidism Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10
