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Renaming columns in a MySQL select statement with R package RJDBC





I am using the RJDBC package to connect to a MySQL (Maria DB) database in R on a Windows 7 machine and I am trying a statement like

select a as b
from table

but the column will always continue to be named "a" in the data frame.

This works normally with RODBC and RMySQL but doesn't work with RJDBC. Unfortunately, I have to use RJDBC as this is the only package that has no problem with the encoding of chinese, hebrew and so on letters (set names and so on don't seem to work with RODBC and RMySQL).

Has anybody experienced this problem?

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Arthur G Avatar asked Oct 09 '11 13:10

Arthur G

1 Answers

I have run into the same frustrating issue. Sometimes the AS keyword would have its intended effect, but other times it wouldn't. I was unable to identify the conditions to make it work correctly.

Short Answer: (Thanks to Simon Urbanek (package maintainer for RJDBC), Yev, and Sebastien! See the Long Answer.) One thing that you may try is to open your JDBC connection using ?useOldAliasMetadataBehavior=true in your connection string. Example:

drv <- JDBC("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "C:/JDBC/mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin.jar", identifier.quote="`")
conn <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:mysql://server/schema?useOldAliasMetadataBehavior=true", "username", "password")
query <- "SELECT `a` AS `b` FROM table"
result <- dbGetQuery(conn, query)

This ended up working for me! See more details, including caveats, in the Long Answer.

Long Answer: I tried all sorts of stuff, including making views, changing queries, using JOIN statements, NOT using JOIN statements, using ORDER BY and GROUP BY statements, etc. I was never able to figure out why some of my queries were able to rename columns and others weren't.

I contacted the package maintainer (Simon Urbanek.) Here is what he said:

In the vast majority of cases this is an issue in the JBDC driver, because there is really not much RJDBC can do other than to call the driver.

He then recommended that I make sure I had the most recent JDBC driver for MySQL. I did have the most recent version. However, it got me thinking "maybe it IS a bug with the JDBC driver." So, I searched Google for: mysql jdbc driver bug alias.

The top result for this query was an entry at bugs.mysql.com. Yev, using MySQL 5.1.22, says that when he upgraded from driver version 5.0.4 to 5.1.5, his column aliases stopped working. Asked if it was a bug.

Sebastien replied, "No, it's not a bug! It's a documented change of behavior in all subsequent versions of the driver." and suggested using ?useOldAliasMetadataBehavior=true, citing documentation for the JDBC driver.

Caveat Lector: The documentation for the JDBC driver states that

useColumnNamesInFindColumn is preferred over useOldAliasMetadataBehavior unless you need the specific behavior that it provides with respect to ResultSetMetadata.

I haven't had the time to fully research what this means. In other words, I don't know what all of the ramifications are of using useOldAliasMetadataBehavior=true are. Use at your own risk. Does someone else have more information?

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Aaron Johnson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Aaron Johnson