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Rename a certain key in a hash

I have a column car_details with 2000 entries, each of which is a hash of info that looks like this:


Some cars have more details, some have less. I want to rename the "fuel_consumption" key to "mpg" on every car that has that key.

like image 223
Ashbury Avatar asked Oct 22 '13 21:10


People also ask

How to Rename key in ruby hash?

This is a pretty neat snippet of Ruby that I found to rename a key in a Ruby hash. The #delete method on a hash will return the value of the key provided while removing the item from the hash. The resulting hash gets a new key assigned to the old key's value.

What is a Hashkey?

Number sign, also known as the number, pound or hash key, a key on a telephone keypad. For its use in data structure, database and cryptographic applications, see hash function or unique key.

2 Answers

Well, a previous answer will generate 2000 requests, but you can use the REPLACE function instead. Both MySQL and PostgreSQL have that, so it will be like:

Car.update_all("car_details = REPLACE(car_details, 'fuel_consumption', 'mpg')")

Take a look at the update_all method for the conditions.

See also PostgreSQL string functions and MySQL string functions.

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Ivan Shamatov Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Ivan Shamatov

Answer posted by @Ivan Shamatov works very well and is particular important to have good performances on huge databases.

I tried it with a PostgreSQL database, on a jsonb column. To let it works we have to pay same attention to data type casting.

For example on a User model like this:

User < ActiveRecord::Base {
                   :id => :integer,
           :created_at => :datetime,
           :updated_at => :datetime,
                :email => :string,
           :first_name => :string,
            :last_name => :string,
          :custom_data => :jsonb

My goal was to rename a key, inside custom_data jsonb field. For example custom_data hash content from:

                "foo" => "bar",
           "date" => "1980-07-10"


                "new_foo" => "bar",
             "date" => "1980-07-10"

For all users records present into my db.

We can execute this query:

old_key = 'foo'
new_key = 'new_foo'    
User.update_all("custom_data = REPLACE(custom_data::text, '#{old_key}'::text, '#{new_key}'::text)::jsonb")

This will only replace the target key (old_key), inside our jsonb hash, without changing hash values or other hash keys.

Note ::text and ::jsonb type casting!

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Diego D Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Diego D