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Removing text containing non-english character




This is my sample dataset:

Name <- c("apple firm","苹果 firm","Ãpple firm")
Rank <- c(1,2,3)
data <- data.frame(Name,Rank)

I would like to delete the Name containing non-English character. For this sample, only "apple firm" should stay.

I tried to use the tm package, but it can only help me delete the non-english characters instead of the whole queries.

like image 585
Ran Tao Avatar asked Mar 27 '17 14:03

Ran Tao

1 Answers

I would check out this related Stack Overflow post for doing the same thing in javascript. Regular expression to match non-English characters?

To translate this into R, you could do (to match non-ASCII):

res <- data[which(!grepl("[^\x01-\x7F]+", data$Name)),]

# A tibble: 1 × 2
#        Name  Rank
#       <chr> <dbl>
#1 apple firm     1

And to match non-unicode per that same SO post:

  res <- data[which(!grepl("[^\u0001-\u007F]+", data$Name)),]

# A tibble: 1 × 2
#        Name  Rank
#       <chr> <dbl>
#1 apple firm     1

Note - we had to take out the NUL character for this to work. So instead of starting at \u0000 or x00 we start at \u0001 and \x01.

like image 146
Mike H. Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Mike H.