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Removing splash-screen loading gif from Cordova app

I'm having a problem overriding Cordova's defaults when writing an app.

I'm writing an iOS app using the Cordova (formerly PhoneGap) framework and Xcode. Cordova lets me add a splash screen for the project by just dragging and dropping it in under the info tab for my project in Xcode. This part works fine, but there is a default loading-indicator gif running over the top of the splash image (I'm not sure whether it's from Xcode or from Cordova).

How can I remove the loading-indicator image?

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sam Avatar asked Aug 01 '12 15:08


People also ask

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You can disable the splash screen by setting launchDuration: 0 in capacitor.

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We need to open config. xml and add the following code snippets inside the widget element. First snippet is SplashScreen. It has value property which is the name of the images in platform/android/res/drawable- folders.

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Adding Splash Screen and Icon All we need to do is to find two images. The images should be png, psd or ai files. The minimum dimension should be 192x192 for icon image and 2208×2208 for the splash screen image. This dimensions will cover all the devices.

1 Answers

You can remove the loading spinner in Cordova.plist. Set ShowSplashScreenSpinner to false.

Update: In Cordova 3.0+ adding <preference name="ShowSplashScreenSpinner" value="false" /> to your config.xml will accomplish the same goal.

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Kelsey Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
