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Removing diacritics in Polish

I'm trying to remove diacritic characters from a pangram in Polish. I'm using code from Michael Kaplan's blog http://www.siao2.com/2007/05/14/2629747.aspx, however, with no success.

Consider following pangram: "Pchnąć w tę łódź jeża lub ośm skrzyń fig.". Everything works fine but for letter "ł", I still get "ł". I guess the problem is that "ł" is represented as single unicode character and there is no following NonSpacingMark.

Do you have any idea how I can fix it (without relying on custom mapping in some dictionary - I'm looking for some kind of unicode conversion)?

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empi Avatar asked Aug 24 '10 20:08


2 Answers

Here is my quick implementation of Polish stoplist with normalization of Polish diacritics.

    class StopList
    private HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>();

    public void add(String word)
        word = word.trim().toLowerCase();
        word = normalize(word);


    public boolean contains(final String string)
        return set.contains(string) || set.contains(normalize(string));

    private char normalizeChar(final char c)
        switch ( c)
            case 'ą':
                return 'a';
            case 'ć':
                return 'c';
            case 'ę':
                return 'e';
            case 'ł':
                return 'l';
            case 'ń':
                return 'n';
            case 'ó':
                return 'o';
            case 'ś':
                return 's';
            case 'ż':
            case 'ź':
                return 'z';
        return c;

    private String normalize(final String word)
        if (word == null || "".equals(word))
            return word;
        char[] charArray = word.toCharArray();
        char[] normalizedArray = new char[charArray.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < normalizedArray.length; i++)
            normalizedArray[i] = normalizeChar(charArray[i]);
        return new String(normalizedArray);

I couldnt find any other solution in the Net. So maybe it will be helpful for someone (?)

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Michal_R Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 21:10


Some time ago I've come across this solution, which seems to work fine:

    public static string RemoveDiacritics(this string s)
        string asciiEquivalents = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(

        return asciiEquivalents;
like image 8
sinnerinc Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 20:10
