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Removing comments and text nodes from jQuery collection

$html = $("<!-- comment --> <p>text</p>");

creates a jQuery collection like so

$( [the comment], [text node], p )

How can I access the paragraph only? .find("p") returns an empty collection

And, for extra points,

$html = $("<p>text</p>");

creates a jQuery collection like so

$( p )

Is there a fail safe way to get at the p, and only the p, that works whether the comment is there or not?

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wheresrhys Avatar asked Feb 22 '23 15:02


2 Answers

The simplest way is with filter and the universal selector *, which matches all elements.

$html = $("<!-- comment --> <p>text</p>").filter('*');
like image 121
lonesomeday Avatar answered Feb 25 '23 06:02


var p = $html.filter(function() { return this.nodeType === 1; });


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alex Avatar answered Feb 25 '23 06:02
