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remove unicode emoji using re in python

I tried to remove the emoji from a unicode tweet text and print out the result in python 2.7 using

myre = re.compile(u'[\u1F300-\u1F5FF\u1F600-\u1F64F\u1F680-\u1F6FF\u2600-\u26FF\u2700-\u27BF]+',re.UNICODE)
print myre.sub('', text)

but it seems almost all the characters are removed from the text. I have checked several answers from other posts, unfortunately, none of them works here. Did I do anything wrong in re.compile()?

here is an example output that all the characters were removed:

“   '   //./” ! # # # …
like image 530
Young Avatar asked Oct 26 '14 00:10


People also ask

How do I remove emoji from text Python?

To remove the emojis, we set the parameter no_emoji to True .

How do I get rid of emoji strings?

To remove emojis from a string in Python, we can create a regex that matches a list of emojis. to call re. compile with pattern set to a string that matches the character code ranges for emojis. \U0001F600-\U0001F64F is the code range for emoticons.

1 Answers

You are not using the correct notation for non-BMP unicode points; you want to use \U0001FFFF, a capital U and 8 digits:

myre = re.compile(u'['

This can be reduced to:

myre = re.compile(u'['

as your first two ranges are adjacent.

Your version was specifying (with added spaces for readability):

[\u1F30 0-\u1F5F F\u1F60 0-\u1F64 F\u1F68 0-\u1F6F F \u2600-\u26FF\u2700-\u27BF]+

That's because the \uxxxx escape sequence always takes only 4 hex digits, not 5.

The largest of those ranges is 0-\u1F6F (so from the digit 0 through to ), which covers a very large swathe of the Unicode standard.

The corrected expression works, provided you use a UCS-4 wide Python executable:

>>> import re
>>> myre = re.compile(u'['
...     u'\U0001F300-\U0001F64F'
...     u'\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF'
...     u'\u2600-\u26FF\u2700-\u27BF]+', 
...     re.UNICODE)
>>> myre.sub('', u'Some example text with a sleepy face: \U0001f62a')
u'Some example text with a sleepy face: '

The UCS-2 equivalent is:

myre = re.compile(u'('

You can combine the two into your script with a exception handler:

    # Wide UCS-4 build
    myre = re.compile(u'['
except re.error:
    # Narrow UCS-2 build
    myre = re.compile(u'('

Of course, the regex is already out of date, as it doesn't cover Emoji defined in newer Unicode releases; it appears to cover Emoji's defined up to Unicode 8.0 (since U+1F91D HANDSHAKE was added in Unicode 9.0).

If you need a more up-to-date regex, take one from a package that is actively trying to keep up-to-date on Emoji; it specifically supports generating such a regex:

import emoji

def remove_emoji(text):
    return emoji.get_emoji_regexp().sub(u'', text)

The package is currently up-to-date for Unicode 11.0 and has the infrastructure in place to update to future releases quickly. All your project has to do is upgrade along when there is a new release.

like image 148
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10

Martijn Pieters