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Remove undefined from type

I use typeof to infer the return type of a function, but since I cannot call the actual function I use a trick using the ternary operator to infer the type, however this leaves me with a union type that includes undefined:

function foo() {
  return { bar: 1 };

const fooInstance = true ? undefined : foo(); // foo() is never actually called
type FooOrUndefined = typeof fooInstance;     // {bar: number} | undefined 
type Foo = ???;                               // Should be { bar: number }

Is there any way to get rid of undefined from FooOrUndefined?

like image 389
larsmoa Avatar asked Jan 16 '20 13:01


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Use the NonNullable utility type to remove null and undefined from a type in TypeScript. The NonNullable utility type constructs a new type with null and undefined excluded from the type.

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The "Object is possibly 'undefined'" error occurs when we try to access a property on an object that may have a value of undefined . To solve the error, use the optional chaining operator or a type guard to make sure the reference is not undefined before accessing properties.

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To check for null or undefined , compare the value to both null and undefined , e.g. if (name === undefined || name === null) {} . If either of the two conditions is met, the variable stores a null or undefined value and the if block will run.

2 Answers

You will want to use NonNullable:

type Foo = NonNullable<FooOrUndefined> // { bar: number; }


like image 58
ford04 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10


If you just want to remove undefined but keep null, you can do a small util:

type NoUndefined<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T;

type Foo = number | string | null | undefined;

type Foo2 = NoUndefined<Foo> // number | string | null
like image 37
Leon Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10
