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Remove Trailing Spaces and Update in Columns in SQL Server

People also ask

How do I remove a trailing space from a column in SQL?

SQL Server TRIM() Function The TRIM() function removes the space character OR other specified characters from the start or end of a string. By default, the TRIM() function removes leading and trailing spaces from a string. Note: Also look at the LTRIM() and RTRIM() functions.

Does SQL Server ignore trailing spaces?

Takeaway: According to SQL Server, an identifier with trailing spaces is considered equivalent to the same identifier with those spaces removed.

How do I find trailing spaces in SQL Server?

You can see table RawData output, there are few records in StudName columns with leading and trailing spaces. Now write and execute below query to find leading and trailing spaces in StudName column. You can see the query output, it returns records those are having leading and trailing spaces.

Try SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM('Amit Tech Corp '))

LTRIM - removes any leading spaces from left side of string

RTRIM - removes any spaces from right


update table set CompanyName = LTRIM(RTRIM(CompanyName))

To just trim trailing spaces you should use

    ColumnName = RTRIM(ColumnName)

However, if you want to trim all leading and trailing spaces then use this

    ColumnName = LTRIM(RTRIM(ColumnName))

Well here is a nice script to TRIM all varchar columns on a table dynamically:

--Just change table name
declare @MyTable varchar(100)
set @MyTable = 'MyTable'

--temp table to get column names and a row id
select column_name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY column_name) as id into #tempcols from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS 
WHERE   DATA_TYPE IN ('varchar', 'nvarchar') and TABLE_NAME = @MyTable

declare @tri int
select @tri = count(*) from #tempcols
declare @i int
select @i = 0
declare @trimmer nvarchar(max)
declare @comma varchar(1)
set @comma = ', '

--Build Update query
select @trimmer = 'UPDATE [dbo].[' + @MyTable + '] SET '

WHILE @i <= @tri 

    IF (@i = @tri)
        set @comma = ''
    SELECT  @trimmer = @trimmer + CHAR(10)+ '[' + COLUMN_NAME + '] = LTRIM(RTRIM([' + COLUMN_NAME + ']))'+@comma
    FROM    #tempcols
    where id = @i

    select @i = @i+1

--execute the entire query
EXEC sp_executesql @trimmer

drop table #tempcols

SQL Server does not support for Trim() function.

But you can use LTRIM() to remove leading spaces and RTRIM() to remove trailing spaces.

can use it as LTRIM(RTRIM(ColumnName)) to remove both.

update tablename
set ColumnName= LTRIM(RTRIM(ColumnName))

update MyTable set CompanyName = rtrim(CompanyName)

Use the TRIM SQL function.

If you are using SQL Server try :