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Remove Time from date/time vb.net

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    Form2.TextBox1.Text = dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value.ToString
    Form2.TextBox2.Text = dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(1).Value.ToString
    Form2.TextBox3.Text = dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(2).Value.ToString
    Form2.TextBox4.Text = dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Value.ToString
    Form2.TextBox5.Text = dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value.ToString
    Form2.TextBox6.Text = dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(5).Value.ToString
    Form2.TextBox7.Text = dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(6).Value.ToString

textbox5 is the one that should only show the date but when i click the button, the textbox shows me the date and time. ex: 12/01/12 12:00 AM.

how can i remove the time from showing up into the textbox?

like image 698
Rara Arar Avatar asked Dec 05 '12 15:12

Rara Arar

4 Answers

Since the CurrentCells(4).Value is an object try casting it to a DateTime then convert using the ToShortDateString Method

Form2.TextBox5.Text = CType(dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value, DateTime).ToShortDateString

or you can use DateTime.TryParse which will return true if the conversion is succesfull

Dim tempDate As Date
If DateTime.TryParse(CStr(dgv.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value), tempDate) Then
    Form2.TextBox5.Text = tempDate.ToShortDateString
    Form2.TextBox5.Text = "Invalid Date"
End If
like image 133
Mark Hall Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11

Mark Hall


If dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value IsNot Nothing
    Form2.TextBox5.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/mm/YYYY}", dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value)
    Form2.TextBox5.Text = ""
End If
like image 34
Basic Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 17:11


there is a datetime format function. check this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/az4se3k1(v=vs.71).aspx

like image 36
Less Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11


I just removed the .ToString in this line:

Form2.TextBox5.Text = dgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value.ToString

When i removed the .ToString it just shows the short date in the date textbox

like image 20
Rara Arar Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 17:11

Rara Arar