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Remove the newline character in a list read from a file [duplicate]

I have a simple program that takes an ID number and prints information for the person matching the ID. The information is stored in a .dat file, with one ID number per line.

The problem is that my program is also reading the newline character \n from the file. I have tried the 'name'.split() method, but this doesn't seem to work for a list.

My program:

from time import localtime, strftime  files = open("grades.dat") request = open("requests.dat", "w") lists = files.readlines() grades = []  for i in range(len(lists)):     grades.append(lists[i].split(","))  cont = "y"  while cont == "y" or cont == "Y":     answer = raw_input("Please enter the Student I.D. of whom you are looking: ")     for i in range(len(grades)):         if answer == grades[i][0]:             print grades[i][1] + ", " + grades[i][2] + (" "*6) + grades[i][0] + (" "*6) + grades[i][3]             time = strftime("%a, %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())             print time             print "Exams - " + grades[i][11] + ", " + grades[i][12] + ", " + grades[i][13]             print "Homework - " + grades[i][4] + ", " + grades[i][5] + ", " + grades[i][6] + ", " + grades[i][7] + ", " +grades[i][8] + ", " + grades[i][9] + ", " + grades[i][10]             total = int(grades[i][4]) + int(grades[i][5]) + int(grades[i][6]) + int(grades[i][7]) + int(grades[i][8]) + int(grades[i][9]) + int(grades[i][10]) + int(grades[i][11]) + int(grades[i][12]) + int(grades[i][13])             print "Total points earned - " + str(total)             grade = float(total) / 550             grade = grade * 100             if grade >= 90:                 print "Grade: " + str(grade) + ", that is equal to an A."             elif grade >= 80 and grade < 90:                 print "Grade: " + str('%.2f' %grade) + ", that is equal to a B."             elif grade >= 70 and grade < 80:                 print "Grade: " + str('%.2f' %grade) + ", that is equal to a C."             elif grade >= 60 and grade < 70:                 print "Grade: " + str('%.2f' %grade) + ", that is equal to a D."             else:                 print "Grade: " + str('%.2f' %grade) + ", that is equal to an F."             request.write(grades[i][0] + " " + grades[i][1] + ", " + grades [i][2] +                           " " + time)             request.write("\n")       print     cont = raw_input("Would you like to search again? ")  if cont != "y" or cont != "Y":     print "Goodbye." 
like image 907
Python Newbie Avatar asked Nov 30 '10 22:11

Python Newbie

People also ask

How a line is read from file removing newline character?

You could actually put the newlines to good use by reading the entire file into memory as a single long string and then use them to split that into the list of grades by using the string splitlines() method which, by default, removes them in the process. with open("grades. dat") as file: grades = [line.

How do I strip a new line in Readlines?

If you want to strip the newline character \n from each line when adding it to a list you can use the strip() method within a list comprehension: with open('file. txt') as f: lines = [ line.

1 Answers

str.strip() returns a string with leading+trailing whitespace removed, .lstrip and .rstrip for only leading and trailing respectively.

like image 186
ephemient Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 02:10
