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Remove the comment "Generated by Javadoc on <date> <time>" in generated Javadoc

A javadoc command automatically inserts a comment stating something like:

<!-- Generated by javadoc (build 1.6.0_17) on Thu Apr 07 18:32:31 CEST 2011 -->

in every generated HTML file.

This is quite preventing change tracking for versioned javadoc, since every file will be modified when regenerating the doc.

A previous question I asked convince me not to version any javadoc, but it also raised this problem and the question remains: is there a way to get rid of this comment? I did not find trace of such possibility in the javadoc options.

like image 882
Dunaril Avatar asked Apr 10 '11 18:04


1 Answers

Thank to JackMc's comment, I found the command line parameter -notimestamp. It works (at least for my 1.6.0_20 here).

If using ant, you'll have to add it to the <javadoc> task using either the <arg value="-notimestamp" /> nested element or an additionalparam="-notimestamp" attribute.

(I just used this for my github-managed JSch documentation..)

like image 95
Paŭlo Ebermann Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09

Paŭlo Ebermann