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Remove SVN from an existing Java project in Eclipse




I have a versioned Java project in Eclipse.

I decided to remove "SVN" so that when I right-click > Team on the project, I can only obtain the following choices : Share project ... and Create patch ... instead of commit ..., Update, etc.

What is the best (cleanest) method to remove version control from a project in Eclipse ?

like image 996
Paolo Avatar asked Jul 10 '12 13:07


People also ask

How do I remove a project from SVN repository?

Process. Select the project root folder and select Team > Disconnect from the context menu. A dialog is presented asking if you want to remove the SVN meta information from the file system. If you want to reconnect to the remote repository at a later time, choose Do not delete the SVN meta information.

What is SVN repository in Eclipse?

Eclipse is an open-source and free, java-based development platform. It is well known for its excellent plug-ins that allow developers to develop and test code written in different programming languages. Eclipse IDE support built-in integration for Subversion.

Why is Eclipse SVN Team menu not showing all options?

You have you run 'Team > Share Project...' to tell SVN that this project is an SVN project before you can do anything else. Once you have set up the sharing the other menu items will appear.

1 Answers

If your project is properly version controlled with SVN, you should be able to see "Synchronize with Repository", "Commit", "Update" under the "Team" menu item of the context menu. In this case, you can use Team > Disconnect.

If you can't see the menu items like these under Team menu, check that there is .svn (hidden) directory in your project root.

Perhaps you can check out the project again from the repository and use Team > Disconnect if you haven't changed the code a lot.

like image 147
ntalbs Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
