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Remove substring matching pattern both in the beginning and the end of the variable


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How do I remove a substring from a string in R?

You can either use R base function gsub() or use str_replace() from stringr package to remove characters from a string or text. In this article, I will explain how to remove a single character or multiple characters from a String in R by using gsub() and str_replace() functions.

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Remove Character from String Using trThe tr command (short for translate) is used to translate, squeeze, and delete characters from a string. You can also use tr to remove characters from a string.

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You can use the following bash commands to delete and trim whitespace form strings or text: sed command. awk command. cut command.

As the title says, I'm looking for a way to remove a defined pattern both at the beginning of a variable and at the end. I know I have to use # and % but I don't know the correct syntax.

In this case, I want to remove http:// at the beginning, and /score/ at the end of the variable $line which is read from file.txt.