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Remove space for css position:relative

I have a link and an iframe side-by-side. I want the link to appear over the iframe. This occurs inside of a td element. this pattern is iterated over a few rows. When I use relative css positioning, I am able to display the link over the iframe, but the space the link would have been in, still appears. and it add unnecessarily to the column height. I want to eliminate this space. How can I do this?

I looked at this but it seems that this solution would still jack up the tr/td height. I also have a sample of my issue

like image 254
TMB Avatar asked Jul 12 '11 20:07


People also ask

How do I remove relative space from a position in CSS?

The element still takes up space where it originally was when using relative positioning, and you can't get rid of that. You can for example use absolute positioning instead, or make the elements float beside each other. "and you can't get rid of that." - you can. Just use negative margin, like in the plang's answer.

How do you make a position relative not take space?

Solution with the CSS position property You need to make a pseudo-relative element by creating a <div> element having a position set to "relative", with the width and height set to 0 having a purpose of creating a reference point for position.

Does position absolute take up space?

Unfortunately, using absolute positioning means, by definition, that your element is no longer taking up space.

How do I change a relative position in CSS?

Relative Positioning You can use two values top and left along with the position property to move an HTML element anywhere in the HTML document. Move Left - Use a negative value for left. Move Right - Use a positive value for left. Move Up - Use a negative value for top.

2 Answers

Collapsing the lineheight should do it. Be sure to put a measurement, and not just "0" so it will work in ie6. I added the .collapse class to the divs containing the anchors. http://jsfiddle.net/grs53/20/


            <td class="donotwant">
                <div class="collapse">
                    <a class="top" href="bing.com">link</a>
                    <iframe class="bottom" src="http://www.google.com" ></iframe>
            <td class="donotwant">
                <div class="collapse">
                    <a class="top" href="bing.com">link</a>
                    <iframe class="bottom" src="http://www.wikipedia.com" ></iframe>


.donotwant {
    border:2px dotted green;
.top {
.bottom {
.collapse {
like image 68
kzh Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09


Change your HTML to this

            <td class="donotwant">
                <div class="top">
                    <a href="bing.com">link</a>
                <iframe src="http://www.google.com" ></iframe>
            <td class="donotwant">
                <div class="top">
                    <a href="bing.com">link</a>
                <iframe class="bottom" src="http://www.wikipedia.com" ></iframe>

And you CSS to this:

.donotwant {
    border:2px dotted green;
.top {
.bottom {

A relative position object keeps it's initial placement but is displayed elsewhere. An absolute positioned element is actually moved to a new position. You can move absolute positioned elements on top of relative positioned.

In the example above I created a div that is relative positioned in which any absolute position element can be moved around from of the top left corner of the relative positioned element. If the relative positioned element is moved anywhere else on the page the absolute one will follow.

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brenjt Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09
