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Remove single quote from list in Python




I have an input string as:

result = '"testing","0.8841","642000.0","80.014521","-60.940653","4522126666","1500854400","","1500842014000","name","80.014521","-60.996532","sampledevice","3","name"'

data = result.split("\n")

i = 0
while i < len(data):
    i = i +1 
    dd = data[i].split(',')
    print dd

And the corresponding output as:


How can I remove the single quotes from each element in the list?

like image 978
No_Rulz Avatar asked Sep 15 '17 12:09


People also ask

How do you remove a quote in Python?

To erase Quotes (“”) from a Python string, simply use the replace() command or you can eliminate it if the quotes seem at string ends.

How do I print a list without quotes?

Using sep keyword in print: If you just want to separate the items and print a list without the brackets and single quotes, then you don't need to specify the value of sep because it has a default value of whitespace.

How do you replace a single quote in a string?

Use the String. replace() method to replace single with double quotes, e.g. const replaced = str. replace(/'/g, " ); . The replace method will return a new string where all occurrences of single quotes are replaced with double quotes.

2 Answers

Treat the text as a row from a CSV formatted file:

import csv
import StringIO

result = '"testing","0.8841","642000.0","80.014521","-60.940653","4522126666","1500854400","","1500842014000","name","80.014521","-60.996532","sampledevice","3","name"'
print next(csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(result)))

Giving you:

['testing', '0.8841', '642000.0', '80.014521', '-60.940653', '4522126666', '1500854400', '', '1500842014000', 'name', '80.014521', '-60.996532', 'sampledevice', '3', 'name']

Python's StringIO() function allows the text to be treated like a file allowing it to be passed to Python's CSV parser which is designed for parsing CSV files in this format. It can then correctly parse the text and return a list of items.

The returned data could then be further processed if needed to convert the text into numbers, i.e. integers or floats as appropriate. For example:

import csv
import StringIO

def convert(text):
        return int(text)
    except ValueError:

        return float(text)
    except ValueError:
        return text

result = '"testing","0.8841","642000.0","80.014521","-60.940653","4522126666","1500854400","","1500842014000","name","80.014521","-60.996532","sampledevice","3","name"'
values = [convert(value) for value in next(csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(result)))]

print values

This would then return a list as follows:

['testing', 0.8841, 642000.0, 80.014521, -60.940653, 4522126666L, 1500854400, '', 1500842014000L, 'name', 80.014521, -60.996532, 'sampledevice', 3, 'name']
like image 121
Martin Evans Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Martin Evans

literal_eval is good solution for this issue

import ast
dd = [ast.literal_eval(i) for i in data]
like image 39
Somil Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10
