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Remove Selected Item from Array in jQuery Autocomplete



I have this array,

var metrics = [
            value: "1",
            label: "Sold Listings",
            desc: "sold_listings"
            value: "10",
            label: "New Pendings",
            desc: "new_pendings"
            value: "4",
            label: "All Pendings",
            desc: "all_pendings"
            value: "2",
            label: "New Listings",
            desc: "new_listings"
            value: "3",
            label: "Active Listings",
            desc: "active_listings"

What I wanted to do is to the Selected item, for example I will select Active Listings, this item should be deleted from the array. So that when the autocomplete renders again, it won't show the selected item.

//My Idea of removing the item
                if(val.value == ui.item.value){
                    delete metrics[i];
like image 894
Jetoox Avatar asked Oct 05 '12 19:10


2 Answers

The problem is that you didn't update the source of autocomplete.
To do it you have to use the following line.

$('.yourAutocomplete').autocomplete('option', 'source', yourArray);

So, on autocomplete select event:

Assuming that #autocomplete is your input.

select: function(e, ui) {
    metrics = jQuery.grep(metrics, function(element) {
        return element.value != ui.item.value;
    $('#autocomplete').autocomplete('option', 'source', metrics)
    return false;



  • http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#method-option
like image 105
Ricardo Alvaro Lohmann Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Ricardo Alvaro Lohmann

From this post, you can do something like:

var y = [1, 2, 3] 
var removeItem = 2; 

y = jQuery.grep(y, function(value) { 
  return value != removeItem; 


For your example, you could do:

var removeItem = "1"; 
metrics = $.grep(metrics, function(val) { 
    if (val.value != removeItem) {
        return val;

This will remove the first array item with value "1" property.

like image 27
fanfavorite Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 04:09
