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Remove quotes from named environment variables in Windows scripts

People also ask

How do you remove a quote from a string variable?

To remove double quotes just from the beginning and end of the String, we can use a more specific regular expression: String result = input. replaceAll("^\"|\"$", ""); After executing this example, occurrences of double quotes at the beginning or at end of the String will be replaced by empty strings.

How do I remove a quote from a variable in bash?

A simple and elegant answer from Stripping single and double quotes in a string using bash / standard Linux commands only: BAR=$(eval echo $BAR) strips quotes from BAR . If you don't want anything printed out, you can pipe the evals to /dev/null 2>&1 .

Do you need quotes in ENV file?

The rule is simple: if it is not only one word, single-quote it. If you want variable expansion, always double-quote it.

What does %* mean in a batch file?

%* expands to the complete list of arguments passed to the script. You typically use it when you want to call some other program or script and pass the same arguments that were passed to your script.

echo %myvar:"=%

This is not a limitation of the environment variable, but rather the command shell.

Enclose the entire assignment in quotes:

set "myvar=http://example.com?foo=1&bar="

Though if you try to echo this, it will complain as the shell will see a break in there.

You can echo it by enclosing the var name in quotes:

echo "%myvar%"

Or better, just use the set command to view the contents:

set myvar

While there are several good answers already, another way to remove quotes is to use a simple subroutine:

  set %1=%~2
  goto :EOF

Here's a complete usage example:

@echo off

set words="Two words"
call :unquote words %words%
echo %words%

set quoted="Now is the time"
call :unquote unquoted %quoted%
echo %unquoted%

set word=NoQuoteTest
call :unquote word %word%
echo %word%

goto :EOF

  set %1=%~2
  goto :EOF

This works

for %a in (%myvar%) do set myvar=%~a

I would also use this if I wanted to print a variable that contained and ampersand without the quotes.

for %a in ("fish & chips") do echo %~a