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Remove querystring from URL

People also ask

How do I remove QueryString from URL?

To remove a querystring from a url, use the split() method to split the string on a question mark and access the array element at index 0 , e.g. url. split('? ')[0] . The split method will return an array containing 2 substrings, where the first element is the url before the querystring.

How do I hide QueryString?

If you want to hide the query string in the URL, you need to use POST to deliver the ID in the body of the request instead of the query string.

How do you separate a query string from a URL?

The query string is composed of a series of field-value pairs. Within each pair, the field name and value are separated by an equals sign, " = ". The series of pairs is separated by the ampersand, " & " (or semicolon, " ; " for URLs embedded in HTML and not generated by a <form>...

An easy way to get this is:

function getPathFromUrl(url) {
  return url.split("?")[0];

For those who also wish to remove the hash (not part of the original question) when no querystring exists, that requires a little bit more:

function stripQueryStringAndHashFromPath(url) {
  return url.split("?")[0].split("#")[0];


@caub (originally @crl) suggested a simpler combo that works for both query string and hash (though it uses RegExp, in case anyone has a problem with that):

function getPathFromUrl(url) {
  return url.split(/[?#]/)[0];

2nd Update: In attempt to provide a comprehensive answer, I am benchmarking the three methods proposed in the various answers.

var testURL = '/Products/List?SortDirection=dsc&Sort=price&Page=3&Page2=3';
var i;

// Testing the substring method
i = 0;
console.time('10k substring');
while (i < 10000) {
    testURL.substring(0, testURL.indexOf('?'));
console.timeEnd('10k substring');

// Testing the split method
i = 0;
console.time('10k split');
while (i < 10000) {
console.timeEnd('10k split');

// Testing the RegEx method
i = 0;
var re = new RegExp("[^?]+");
console.time('10k regex');
while (i < 10000) {
console.timeEnd('10k regex');

Results in Firefox 3.5.8 on Mac OS X 10.6.2:

10k substring:  16ms
10k split:      25ms
10k regex:      44ms

Results in Chrome 5.0.307.11 on Mac OS X 10.6.2:

10k substring:  14ms
10k split:      20ms
10k regex:      15ms

Note that the substring method is inferior in functionality as it returns a blank string if the URL does not contain a querystring. The other two methods would return the full URL, as expected. However it is interesting to note that the substring method is the fastest, especially in Firefox.

1st UPDATE: Actually the split() method suggested by Robusto is a better solution that the one I suggested earlier, since it will work even when there is no querystring:

var testURL = '/Products/List?SortDirection=dsc&Sort=price&Page=3&Page2=3';
testURL.split('?')[0];    // Returns: "/Products/List"

var testURL2 = '/Products/List';
testURL2.split('?')[0];    // Returns: "/Products/List"

Original Answer:

var testURL = '/Products/List?SortDirection=dsc&Sort=price&Page=3&Page2=3';
testURL.substring(0, testURL.indexOf('?'));    // Returns: "/Products/List"

This may be an old question but I have tried this method to remove query params. Seems to work smoothly for me as I needed a reload as well combined with removing of query params.

window.location.href = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname;

Also since I am using simple string addition operation I am guessing the performance will be good. But Still worth comparing with snippets in this answer

var path = "path/to/myfile.png?foo=bar#hash";

    path.replace(/(\?.*)|(#.*)/g, "")

I can understand how painful things were before, In modern days you can get this super easily like below

let url = new URL('https://example.com?foo=1&bar=2&foo=3');
let params = new URLSearchParams(url.search);

// Delete the foo parameter.
params.delete('foo'); //Query string is now: 'bar=2'

// now join the query param and host
let newUrl =  url.origin + '/' + params.toString();

A simple way is you can do as follows

public static String stripQueryStringAndHashFromPath(String uri) {
 return uri.replaceAll(("(\\?.*|\\#.*)"), "");