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Remove petstore spec when starting swagger editor

I am using Swagger Editor locally in my machine.

When I start the Swagger Editor, it shows the spec for petstore by default at startup.

I want to remove that and show a blank editor. Is there a way to do that at startup.

like image 827
Good Samartian Avatar asked Mar 27 '18 14:03

Good Samartian

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1 Answers

A simple workaround is to run the editor with the ?url= parameter where the URL points to an empty page (no HTTP response body), such as http://httpbin.org/status/200.


This will open a blank editor.

Alternatively, you can modify the editor's source code and build your own version. You will need Node.js 6.x and npm 3.x (as of time of this writing).

The default editor contents seems to be set here: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-editor/blob/master/src/plugins/local-storage/index.js#L29

  1. In src\plugins\local-storage\index.js, replace

    import PetstoreYaml from "./petstore"


    const PetstoreYaml = ""
  2. Rebuild the editor:

    npm run build
like image 99
Helen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
