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Remove parenthesis from String using java regex




I want to remove parenthesis using Java regular expression but I faced to error No group 1 please see my code and help me.

public String find_parenthesis(String Expr){
        String s;
        String ss;
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\(.+?\\)");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(Expr);
            s = m.group(1);
            ss = "("+s+")";
            Expr = Expr.replaceAll(ss, s);
            return find_parenthesis(Expr);
            return Expr;

and it is my main:

public static void main(String args[]){
    Calculator c1 = new Calculator();
    String s = "(4+5)+6";
    s = c1.find_parenthesis(s);
like image 755
Ehsan Avatar asked Mar 31 '13 06:03


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2 Answers

The simplest method is to just remove all parentheses from the string, regardless of whether they are balanced or not.

String replaced = "(4+5)+6".replaceAll("[()]", "");

Correctly handling the balancing requires parsing (or truly ugly REs that only match to a limited depth, or “cleverness” with repeated regular expression substitutions). For most cases, such complexity is overkill; the simplest thing that could possibly work is good enough.

like image 129
Donal Fellows Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Donal Fellows

What you want is this: s = s.replaceAll("[()]","");

For more on regex, visit regex tutorial.

like image 45
Justin Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
