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Remove parameters within nginx rewrite


I'm rewriting URLs in nginx after a relaunch. In the old site I had query parameters in the URL to filter stuff e.g.


The new page doesn't have these kind of parameters. I want to remove them and rewrite the URLs to the main page, so that I get:


My rewrite rule in nginx is:

location ^~ /mypage.php {     rewrite ^/mypage.php$ http://www.example.com/mypage permanent; } 

But with this rule the parameter is still appended. I thought the $ would stop nginx from processing further values... any ideas? All other questions deal with how to add parameters - I just want to remove mine :)

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lorem monkey Avatar asked Mar 09 '12 22:03

lorem monkey

2 Answers

Had a similar problem, after a lot of searching the answer presented itself in the rewrite docs.

If you specify a ? at the end of a rewrite then Nginx will drop the original $args (arguments)

So for your example, this would do the trick:

location ^~ /mypage.php {     rewrite ^/mypage.php$ http://www.example.com/mypage? permanent; } 
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BHowell Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 18:10


To drop a parameter from a URL, in this case coupon=xxx:

if ($query_string ~ "^(.*)coupon=(.*)$") {     rewrite ^(.*)$ $uri? permanent; } 

Note that this will drop all parameters if the statement matches. $uri is the original request without parameters.

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Luke Peterson Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 18:10

Luke Peterson