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Remove milliseconds from time datatype and also: is there a millisecond-less time datatype?

I have seen posts in the question on how to remove milliseconds from the datetime datatype in MS SQL.

But what about the time datatype - what is the easiest way to remove milliseconds from the time datatype?

Also: Is there any time datatype in MS SQL (2008) that doesn't include milliseconds?

Thanks all!

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DotNetDeveloper Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 06:03


People also ask

How do I remove milliseconds from a timestamp?

Use the setSeconds() method to remove the seconds and milliseconds from a date, e.g. date. setSeconds(0, 0) . The setSeconds method takes the seconds and milliseconds as parameters and sets the provided values on the date. Copied!

1 Answers

One of the easiest way to remove milliseconds is:


And if you dont want to include milliseconds:

TIME(0) will help


CAST(DATEADD(second, SUM(hora), '00:00:00') AS time(0))
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Praveen Nambiar Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Praveen Nambiar