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Remove method binary search tree

I am trying to implement a remove method for the BST structure that I have been working on. Here is the code with find, insert, and remove methods:

public class BST {
    BSTNode root = new BSTNode("root");

    public void insert(BSTNode root, String title){

                //return already in the catalog
            else if(title.compareTo(root.title)<0){

                    root.leftChild = new BSTNode(title);
            else if(title.compareTo(root.title)>0){
                    root.rightChild = new BSTNode(title);

    public void find(BSTNode root, String title){
        if(root!= null){
            else if(title.compareTo(root.title)<0){
                find(root.leftChild, title);
                find(root.rightChild, title);
            //return false;

    public void remove(BSTNode root, String title){
            return false;
                root = root.rightChild;
            else if(root.rightChild==null){
                root = root.leftChild;
                //code if 2 chlidren remove
        else if(title.compareTo(root.title)<0){
            remove(root.leftChild, title);
            remove(root.rightChild, title);

I was told that I could use the insert method to help me with the remove method, but I am just not seeing how I can grab the smallest/largest element, and then replace the one I am deleting with that value, then recursively delete the node that I took the replacement value, while still maintaining O(logn) complexity. Anyone have any ideas or blatant holes I missed, or anything else helpful as I bang my head about this issue?

EDIT: I used the answers ideas to come up with this, which I believe will work but I'm getting an error that my methods (not just the remove) must return Strings, here is what the code looks like, I thought that's the return statements??

public String remove(BSTNode root, String title){
                return("empty root");
                                    root.title = null;
                                    return(title+ "was removed");
                            root = root.rightChild;
                            return(title+ "was removed");
                    else if(root.rightChild==null){
                            root = root.leftChild;
                            return(title+ "was removed");
                            String minTitle = minTitle(root);
                            root.title = minTitle;
                            return(title+ "was removed");
            else if(title.compareTo(root.title)<0){
                    remove(root.leftChild, title);
                    remove(root.rightChild, title);
like image 272
dawich77 Avatar asked Nov 09 '13 00:11


People also ask

How do you delete a node in a binary search tree iterative?

2. Case 2: Node to be deleted is an internal node with two children. Copy the contents of the inorder successor of the node to be deleted and delete the inorder successor. The inorder successor can be found by finding the minimum element in the right subtree of the node.

2 Answers

public void remove (String key, BSTNode pos)
        if (pos == null) return;
        if (key.compareTo(pos.key)<0)
            remove (key, pos.leftChild);
        else if (key.compareTo(pos.key)>0)
            remove (key, pos.rightChild);
        else {
            if (pos.leftChild != null && pos.rightChild != null)
                /* pos has two children */
                BSTNode maxFromLeft = findMax (pos.leftChild); //need to make a findMax helper 
                //"Replacing "  pos.key " with " maxFromLeft.key
                pos.key = maxFromLeft.key;
                remove (maxFromLeft.key, pos.leftChild);
            else if(pos.leftChild != null) {
                /* node pointed by pos has at most one child */
                BSTNode trash = pos;
                //"Promoting " pos.leftChild.key " to replace " pos.key
                pos = pos.leftChild;
                trash = null;
            else if(pos.rightChild != null) {
                /* node pointed by pos has at most one child */
                BSTNode trash = pos;
                /* "Promoting " pos.rightChild.key" to replace " pos.key */
                pos = pos.rightChild;
                trash = null;
            else {
                pos = null;

This is the remove for an unbalanced tree. I had the code in C++ so I have quickly translated. There may be some minor mistakes though. Does the tree you are coding have to be balanced? I also have the balanced remove if need be. I wasn't quite sure based on the wording of your question. Also make sure you add a private helper function for findMax()

like image 152
Josh Engelsma Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 08:10

Josh Engelsma

void deleteTreeNode(int data){
    root = deleteTreeNode(root ,data);

private TreeNode deleteTreeNode(TreeNode root, int data) {
    TreeNode cur = root;
    if(cur == null){
        return cur;
    if(cur.data > data){            
        cur.left = deleteTreeNode(cur.left, data);
    }else if(cur.data < data){
        cur.right = deleteTreeNode(cur.right, data);
        if(cur.left == null && cur.right == null){
            cur = null;
        }else if(cur.right == null){
            cur = cur.left;
        }else if(cur.left == null){
            cur = cur.right;
            TreeNode temp  = findMinFromRight(cur.right);
            cur.data = temp.data;
            cur.right = deleteTreeNode(cur.right, temp.data);
    return cur;

private TreeNode findMinFromRight(TreeNode node) {
    while(node.left != null){
        node = node.left;
    return node;
like image 27
sanjay Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 07:10
