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Remove Hidden Non-ASCII Characters [PHP or MySQL]





I'm having a problem with hidden non-ASCII characters (spaces) in my database.

How can I replace them with normal spaces and convert them before being inserted to avoid future problems?

I'm still not 100% sure what's happening, but I think it's with the non-ASCII spaces. Any advice to help track it down will help.

Here's what's happening:

I have a database with keywords and if I search for "test keyword", nothing shows up. I know for a fact that "test keyword" is in the database.

If I search for "test" or "keyword", it will show up.

If I do a query with:

SELECT * FROM keywords WHERE keyword regexp '[^ -~]'; (found here)

It will display "test keyword" - giving me the conclusion there is a non-ASCII character with the space in "test keyword".

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Ricky Avatar asked Jan 18 '23 23:01


2 Answers

This works with PHP:

str_replace("\xA0", ' ', $keyword)

Now i'm trying to replace all existing ones in the database.

I think this should be working, but it's not:

update keywords set keyword = replace(keyword, char(160), " ") WHERE keyword regexp char(160);

Any ideas?

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Ricky Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 00:01


I had the same issue and was able to create a update query to replace (in my case) non breaking spaces.

First I analyzed the binary values of the strings that had those chars (I used Mysql workbench 'Open value in editor" to do so). I realized that in my case the char(s) that I wanted to replace had a hex value of 'a0'.

Next I went to this page http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/a0/charset_support.htm and checked all the encodings that interpret a0 as a non breaking space.

Next I built this query

UPDATE keywords SET keyword = TRIM(REPLACE(keyword, CONVERT(char(160) USING hp8), ' '));

, I chose hp8 but utf8 worked as well.

It took me some time to reach this solution...so I hope this helps someone with the same problem, not to lose his mind trying to figure a solution.

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bfilipesoares Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 01:01
