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Remove first item from Clojure vector atom and return it



I have an atom wrapping a vector of items:

(def items (atom [1 2 3 4]))

I want to atomically remove the first item and return it. This code illustrates the logic:

(let [x (first @items)]
  (swap! items #(subvec % 1))

But the above code is not correct when many threads are contending with each other. There is a race condition between reading and updating.

As stated nicely in this answer, atoms are for uncoordinated synchronous access. I was hoping this could be done with an atom instead of a ref, because the atom is simpler.

Is there a solution that uses only atoms, not refs? (I'm going to try using watches and see how that goes.) If your answer insists that a ref is needed, could you please explain why a ref is needed even though refs are suggested when one wants "Coordinated Synchronous access to Many Identities" (same link as above).

This is different from other related questions such as How do I update a vector element of an atom in Clojure? and Best way to remove item in a list for an atom in Clojure because I want to update a vector atom and return the value.

like image 935
David J. Avatar asked Mar 14 '14 15:03

David J.

2 Answers

A spin loop with compareAndSet is used to swap! an atom. Clojure also provides a lower level compare-and-set! for atoms that you can use to do your own spin loop and return both the old and new value.

(defn swap*!
  "Like swap! but returns a vector of [old-value new-value]"
  [atom f & args]
  (loop [] 
    (let [ov @atom 
          nv (apply f ov args)]
      (if (compare-and-set! atom ov nv)
        [ov nv]

(defn remove-first-and-return [atom]
  (let [[ov nv] (swap*! atom subvec 1)]
    (first ov)))
like image 66
A. Webb Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 17:10

A. Webb

If you need to use an atom, use a locally encapsulated atom to store the first element of the in-transaction value of the winning transaction.

(let [f-atom (atom nil)]
  (swap! items-atom #(do (reset! f-atom (first %)) 
                         (rest %)))

Alternatively, achieve the same with a ref and a dosync transaction block:

  (let [f (first @items-ref)]
    (alter items-ref rest)

Here, in case the transaction fails because a parallel write operation succeeded, the transaction does not return or have effect on the ref until it could have been retried so that the read and write operations were performed without interruption by another write operation.

like image 4
Leon Grapenthin Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 17:10

Leon Grapenthin