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Remove extra line separators below List in SwiftUI




I've created a simple List as below, but there are extra separators below it.

List {   Text("Item 1")   Text("Item 2")   Text("Item 3") } 


enter image description here

I've tried embedding the List inside a VStack and adding Spacer() like below code but it's not working properly. It removes about half of the empty cells.

VStack{   List {     Text("Item 1")     Text("Item 2")     Text("Item 3")   }   Spacer() } 

How would I remove these extra separators in SwiftUI?

like image 989
M Reza Avatar asked Jun 07 '19 16:06

M Reza

People also ask

How to remove separator line in List SwiftUI?

Unfortunately, there is no official way to remove line separators in SwiftUI. That said, we can make use of the UIKit API to tweak the line separator of the List view in SwiftUI.

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You can change its color by overlay it with the color you want using . overlay() modifier. Text("A visual element that can be used to separate other content.") Use overlay modifier to change the color of a divider.

How do I create a list in SwiftUI?

Probably the simplest way to build a list is to create a new SwiftUI view and wrap the Hello World text in a List: struct StaticListView: View { var body: some View { List { Text("Hello, world!") } } } To add more items to the list, we can just add another line: List { Text("Hello, world!") Text("Hello, SwiftUI!") }

2 Answers

iOS 14:

iOS 14 doesn't show extra separators below the list by default and to removing all separators, you need to use a LazyVStack inside a ScrollView instead. (because iOS is NOT supporting appearance for SwiftUI lists anymore).

LazyVStack Preview

iOS 13:

⚠️ This method is deprecated and it's not working from iOS 14

No need for Section or .grouped style!

There is a UITableView behind SwiftUI's List for iOS 13. So to remove

- Extra separators (below the list):

you need a tableFooterView and to remove. Note that iOS 14 doesn't show extra separators below the list by default.

- All separators (including the actual ones):

you need separatorStyle to be .none

init() {     if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {          // iOS 14 doesn't have extra separators below the list by default.     } else {         // To remove only extra separators below the list:         UITableView.appearance().tableFooterView = UIView()     }      // To remove all separators including the actual ones:     UITableView.appearance().separatorStyle = .none }  var body: some View {     List {         Text("Item 1")         Text("Item 2")         Text("Item 3")     } } 

Note that it eliminates all tables/lists's separators. So you can toggle it in a methods like onAppear() or etc. as you wish.

like image 67
Mojtaba Hosseini Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Mojtaba Hosseini

It's not a perfect solution, but you could use a ScrollView, where each cell is created using a ForEach call, and the dividers are created using Divider().

Edit: I spoke with Apple engineers at WWDC about this. They have heard lots of feedback regarding removing/changing dividers. However, for now my above answer is their recommendation.

like image 31
mginn Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
