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Remove everything after a character, but keep the character




Let's say I have a string that reads "45216 Walnut Avenue Mary's Bake Shop". I want to remove everything after the word Avenue, but I would like avenue to remain. How does this work?

I've tried the following with no luck:

a <- "45216 Walnut Avenue Mary's Bake Shop"
a <- gsub("Avenue.*$", "", a)

[1] "45216 Walnut "
like image 875
JennJain Avatar asked Nov 14 '17 22:11


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1 Answers

Probably the most direct way to do this would be by capturing "Avenue" with () and then chopping off everything that appears after it:

a <- "45216 Walnut Avenue Mary's Bake Shop"
gsub("(Avenue).*", "\\1", a)

You'll get:

## [1] "45216 Walnut Avenue"
like image 167
lefft Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
