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Remove dot character from a String C#



Assume I have a string "2.36" and I want it trimmed to "236"

I used Trim function in example

String amount = "2.36";
String trimmedAmount = amount.Trim('.'); 

The value of trimmedAmount is still 2.36

When amount.Trim('6'); it works perfectly but with '.'

What I am doing wrong?

Thanks a lot Cheers

like image 839
Pinchy Avatar asked Apr 24 '12 13:04


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1 Answers

Trimming is removing characters from the start or end of a string.

You are simply trying to remove the ., which can be done by replacing that character with nothing:

string cleanAmount = amount.Replace(".", string.Empty);
like image 53
Oded Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10
