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Remove DOM element from variable with jquery





Please help me solve this:

I have got this:

var text='<li id="job1">Job 1</li>'+
         '<li id="job2">Job 2</li>'+
         '<li id="job3">Job 3</li>';

and I want to remove one element, something like this:


this doesnt work. Is there a way how to do it? thanks.

EDIT: And I want to save result back to text:

 text='<li id="job1">Job 1</li><li id="job3">Job 3</li>';
like image 593
petkopalko Avatar asked Aug 27 '12 09:08


3 Answers

your var text is just a variable that's holding a string

<li id="job1">Job 1</li><li id="job2">Job 2</li><li id="job3">Job 3</li>

And string is not an object so you cannot use .remove()

But once you do for eg:


than you can simply do:


and retrieve your new string using:

text = $('#someElement').html(); // '<li id="job1">Job 1</li><li id="job3">Job 3</li>'
like image 87
Roko C. Buljan Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10

Roko C. Buljan

if you want to remove 'job2' from text

like image 44
Buzz Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10


Try like this...

*Update FIDDLE My first version of code $(text).find("#job2").remove(); did't worked in jsfiddle, but when I've added <ul></ul> to the code its worked like charm. I've no idea why did't worked with first instance without ul And I do not see any occasion where li will come without ul So please try like this.

var text='<ul><li id="job1">Job 1</li>'+
         '<li id="job2">Job 2</li>'+
         '<li id="job3">Job 3</li></ul>';

$text = $(text);
// console.log($text);
// console.log($text.find("li#job2"));
like image 24
Vins Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
